1. This group of Advocate shall be known as ALCLP (Apex Legal Consultancy and Legal Practitioners).
2. Preamble of the Group: -
- There is generally find out that due to ignorance of the Law various transactions are not happened according to Law and person having number of rights which are not enforced due to absence of their appropriate version before the Court, & requisite result cannot be obtained. Consequently disposal of case become delay & expenses occurred much more than their subject matter values.Generally, person who are not sound financially & socially that are effected by civil wrong (Tort).
They are not able to get appropriate legal remedy. In these circumstances to achieve above object, this advocate group constitute. Generally, this also torts to economically & socially developed person who is victim, who cannot get legal aid. In such situation to fulfilment of above objects, this group is making.
3. Function of Group:
legal consultancy & case presentation before Court.
4. To achieve objects of it, working process of group: -
- Every member of the Group shall have meet at least once in a week & discuss upon legal question & draw final opinion about issue.
- Every person shall charge the minimum fee from their clients during the practise & give special relaxation in fee to the person who belongs to weaker section.
- In the case of public interest litigation, every member shall present case only on expenses & transportation charge of case.
- No member shall do any act which is harmful for group’s credit & good will.
- This group also may take the help of the non-government institution.
We organises the advocates Group which shall be known as Apex Legal Consultancy and Legal Practitioners group & we organised it with mutual discussion.